A review and interpretation of complex language, art, and musical notations gleaned from ancient scripts of unknown origin. Mechanisms of standardization with Asterics.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


FROM http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grid_illusion

Scintillation in Antiquity

The original ratios and coloration which generate the Scintillation effect were the natural materials of obsidian, ground obsidian or silica quartz, and pumice, all of which are natural to active volcanic regions.

It is plausible that humans of pre-historic times were able to generate a reference grid such as this by overlaying a wet fiber or hair on cooling lava such as to allow natural forming of the silica with the boiling moisture's expansion and the extrusive growth of a pumice hemisphere at the intersections by dripping water or placing wet salt or clay at this point. Ground silica glass from obsidian also has the exact luminosity required for the gray bars as does black obsidian and white pumice. There is indication that this reference frame was used for pre-historic sculpture and glass works and in early metal foundries and helped to standardize trade ratios and measures in oceanic regions.[1]

Although the square grid is interesting in its own, there are additional layouts that have even greater effect. Both a 6-point (equilateral triangle) and a more complex grid with masonic angle references also generate these effects.

Optimally, one would construct the grid as a variation of luminosity from the (circle) reference grid points, expanding outward from white to black. The result is a function based on the grid points and background shading with spatial highlights where the lines are in these examples.

This configuration is easily extruded in three dimensions by controlled cooling and expansion of volcanic lava flow by moisture to produce a semi-transparent panel which exponentiates the visual effects with projected false points (dots) in 3d. The resulting exact measure standard would be used to project sunlight or light from fire across the casting or sculpture so that artisans could further refine the arts or tools to the grid projection. When lit from behind or in sunlight, this semi-transparent glass panel has a glowing effect which further projects the Scintillation.[2]


There are also modern studies of Anomalous Motion which uses this same pure white and black leading and trailing edge effects to generate optical illusions of physical motion or depth in static images. This same spatial projection technique was used historically when painted on the panels as above. When cast in glass, the accurate black-white-gray coloration could be used to project 3d images with perceived motion and holographic extrusion from the panel or sculpture.[3]


Following a Point Centric SVG design for tile, the ratio of black to gray is 2:3 horizontal or vertical with a 1:3 circle center. The minimal gray color for effect is 1/2 the amplitude between black and white channels at any system luminosity. Using a 10x10 grid as a template, which can be rendered at any size, it is easiest to create 4*4x4 unit squares with 2 wide bars, or overlay 1/5th wide lines on the center of the image. The circle should be [PI] diameter using a 10x10 grid, or approximately 3u.

As a SVG, the following template may be used or rendered to a raster at any size:

Saturday, February 2, 2008

प्रूफ़ ऑफ़ इन्फेस्ताशन्स

Well, the indicators are closing quickly.

It appears this topic is an artificial manifestation of attempts to generate a mass consumer educational system based on artificially and fraudulently generated ploys that include overthrow of religions and political sectors, false claims by various parties to intellectual authority, and a blatant asinine attempt to reverse map modern math, science, and physics into a ploy to revise the entire system by means of "miracles" and false deities.



Amongst the obvious, are the disinformation fronts of the imperialist space cadets, the criminal gang mob elements on the event horizon, and a plethora of deluded and malevolent "scientists" running a scam against the world and all history...


Friday, January 18, 2008

अद्दिशनल इन्फोर्मेशन

Appended after the below edit:


has a nice article on the crystal characteristics, the samples are currently shown at Bowers museum in santa ana, ca.

as images: http://view.samurajdata.se/psview.php?id=09343443&page=2&size=full&all=1

how coincidental!


Just as a pre-emption, there IS a slight plausibility that the target objects may be a hoax or remnants of a disinformation/falsification campaign which could easily date back to the WW2 era (or modern sweden/norway/denmark attempts to pillage the world): if you notice YEOUCH image, which is a visual trace from the video, the inverse of this diagram (which is assumed to be a projection template for a statue in 3d) corresponds almost perfectly with a modern population center map of germany and sweden. The main tie-downs are paris (to the right) and the stocking matches the water/boundary formations of sweden perfectly. Center of reference circle centered is berlin.

Additionally, I have again been pointed at this entity on the same topic:



Which is a known "spy" group working on artistic cyphers with strong ties (from public info) to american and british counterintelligence operations...


However, the resulting analysis of vibration modeling, glass works, various historical elements, etc, all correlate with nature, so obviously there is a foundation for the study regardless of the data's origin.

Reverse modeling of artistic technique is a valid pursuit regardless, and the techniques for casting and layup are quite interesting as derived from these documents.


There is also a lengthy discussion of the optical characteristics of materials that is derived from a public request we made a while ago at:


and some additional inquiries which will be included below.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Significantly Higer Dimensions

Their N-Dimensional mathematical systems just made a quantum leap.

Referenced, are the signals and electrical characteristics of quartz crystal, volcanic glass, the electrical and optical properties of phosphors and gas versus the various oxidation and chemical composition of copper and copper oxide, amongst others.

In short, to establish an accurate scientific method of managing complex high dimensional math, vibrations and signals in multiple mediums, communication and institutional management, and the need to couple all of these to an easily understood humanly perceptible system, one needs merely to add a bunch of common and easily understood materials to a pot and grow a crystal structure.

The electrical characteristics of common materials: tangible metals (copper oxide, rectifiers), silica crystal and glass (quartz resonators, etc), temperature and electrical management in the fabrication environment (volcanics, sun, water), additional "alchemist" materials (typically the stuff that doesn't crystallize as salt when you boil sea water), and related gases (like hydrogen .. and .. and .. and ..)

combined with the vibrational characteristics of common materials: quartz crystal, (sapphire/ruby), copper (tin/lead/silver/gold), in both the electrical and sound ranges, and of course the transport mediums such as various water, air, glass, metal compounds.

Although a phosphor material may be usable for visualization of the field signatures, I am far more inclined to expect a gas/plasma or crystalline luminary would be used.

The electrical and optical characteristics in sapphire and ruby should also be noted with the quartz; the combination of a regenerative charge and the resonance of the crystal combined with the other signal modulating materials make a very clean system.

The spherical tonal system components, through the compression of the quartz, was expected to provide coherent signals transport, as does a piezo microphone on a crystal radio [or a polymer-electric "microphone" as an rfid].

Adding into it, more advanced and higher dimensional field modulators and translation systems, especially the matched atomic crystal structures of these and a few other stackable materials, you end up with a very clean and easily managed and constructed system of communication with multiple modes and mediums of signal transport.

Ironically, unchecked logic indicates that one could transport a visual representation of an environment using a simple polarizing filter (quartz), photo electric media (copper), electrical mechanisms (quartz), electrical signals transport (quartz), frequency transposition (copper), and crystal resonance to transmit bidirectionally a photo image by means of a string between two cups. [cups not needed?]

Add to that, more advanced signals management, you can transport 3d+ field characteristics between environments on all mediums with cross-checked signal integrity and project a 3d+ visualization of the environment into an optical display using only very simple crystal structures.

Time to pull out the tin-foil animals and add them to the highly advanced n-d spherical differential computational system described in their math, and see what the crystal ball shows. [cross-hairs?]


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Spatial Differential of Asteric Optical Qualities for Measurement Standards

The numbers are in...

The measurement standard used for 3d mathematical measures is quite simple.

A spherical reference with exact measures, such as an Asterism or Corundum typical to quartz and saphire [ star sapphire, black star, diopside ] provides both the spatial differential required for accurate 3d measurements at depth as well as the intrinsic measure itself.

The base-6 multiplier is derived from the observational angle of the crystal, whereas the crystal's star is relative to its crystal alignment. As one's vector of view changes, the star responds accordingly, providing accurate and very refined measures at any scale. (assuming visibility)

A 3d sphere of 6 point star material will easily facilitate both measures as well as accurate calibration; moreso, it's electrical resonance in any of the primary materials is symmetrical and multiplicative, providing intrinsic spread spectrum field characteristics.

We are looking for a specific optical simulation for these crystal materials, especially the depth differential for the materials of various densities.

A certain material is bound to have the exact visual qualities that correspond to the angular multipliers on a base-6 sphere. I'll have to play with one to determine viable angles and spatial characteristics, however all I have physically available are the 4-point black stars at this time.

Ruby Star Corundum or Asteric

Asterims, black star

chatoyancy is the optical characteristic on a single crystal boundary